Jessica's Blog — Community

Buy Less, Buy Better

Posted by Jessica Duncan on

Buy Less, Buy Better
We are products of our culture, but we are not victims to it. We can choose to step out of mindless consumption and into simplicity. 

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New Year Musings Part 2 - The Sour Stench of Greed

Posted by Jessica Duncan on

New Year Musings Part 2 - The Sour Stench of Greed
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – running a business puts you in a position of social responsibility.

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New Year Musings - The Sweet Smell of Success

Posted by Jessica Duncan on

New Year Musings - The Sweet Smell of Success
As I become more deeply entrenched in entrepreneurship, my definition of success becomes clearer, and that definition is based on how much my business can benefit those around me.

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Everybody Deserves to Eat

Posted by Jessica Duncan on

Everybody Deserves to Eat
I’ve never met anyone who regretted serving the poor and hungry.

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Going Places, Just Not Boise Idaho

Posted by J & G Duncan on

Going Places, Just Not Boise Idaho

So, the other day I drove to Vancouver to stand in front of a panel of seven judges and give a four-minute pitch to convince them that Singing Bowl Granola should win the BC Food Production Association’s “Product of the Year” award. That four-minute pitch not only took an entire day of travel, but also a week of reflecting on the past six years of business and figuring out what the heck I’m actually doing here. I got up at 4:30am, pumped and empowered. The travel gods were with me. Every time I doubted my route, a low-flying eagle would...

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